Saturday, April 25, 2015

April 25, 2015

Receipt of Brittany's Hope matching grant donation information!

We need to raise $3,000 to receive a matching grant from Brittany's Hope.  All donations are tax deductible and can be done directly through Brittany's Hope.  The link to make your tax deductible donation is:

We humbly ask that you will spread the word about adoption and the money we are trying to raise to bring home the girls.  Once we reach this goal of $3,000 we will continue to raise funds through our gofundme site.

Thank you!

Friday, April 10, 2015

April 7, 2015

Our Father in Heaven has heard my prayers because our immigration approval has arrived!  Praise God!  This is the catalyst to get the adoption approved in China and begin the travel arrangements.  Thank you, Lord!  He is so much bigger than anything we face on earth.  This is God's plan, and we are His willing servants to complete His plan.

I must make a correction on my last posting regarding the gofundme donations being tax deductible.  They are not.  However, I am hoping to receive some tax deductible donations forms from Lifesong within the next few months.  I will be sending these out to help raise money for the girls' fees to bring them home with addresses I have on hand.  If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please contact me with your address, and I will send you how many you request.

Our next step in the process is to get our dossier papers (those that needed to be updated) to China.  This requires notarization, certification at the state level of the notary, and lastly authentication at the state department and Chinese embassy of the certification.   Once that is completed, China will process their approval called the Letter of Acceptance, LOA.  This is what has to be received to apply for legal immigration for the girls.  This is also what triggers the travel process to begin.

Right now our biggest hurdle is raising the money required to pay the fees to bring the girls home and travel to pick them up.  Please feel free to spread our story to everyone you know through social media, email, word of mouth, etc.  We need $500 minimum to be raised with gofundme before it will go public.  That is our first financial goal.  The donation site is: 

I attached Our Story below giving more details about The Luo Sisters and this unique process.  By the way our adoption agency said this is the first time this situation has occurred in their decades of existence with two older siblings being up for adoption and one timing out soon.  Never have they seen 4 siblings as you will read below. 

Bringing Home The Luo Sisters!
Hello.  I am going to tell you about a story that is unique and will capture your heart.  The story is about adoption and much loss.  The reason for the story is to raise money to bring two teen orphan girls home.

Our adoption journey began in 2007 when we began the adoption paperwork to bring home our daughter, Lily, from China.  We brought her home in 2013 at 2 years of age after many years of faithful waiting and changing to a new agency that was able to find us the match for our family.  Lily has TOF, multiple congenital heart defects, and will need continual medical care and surgeries throughout her lifetime.  We had many years to save for her adoption fee so we were able to pay the fee without asking for help.  We were also blessed to have available credit on our credit cards to pay for the trip to China to bring her home.  

Less than six months later we were matched with a 2 year old little boy.  We knew we could pay for his fee without asking for financial help due to the tax credit for Lily.  However, we had not been home long enough to pay the credit cards down from the travel expenses of bringing home Lily.  We were able to get a loan to allow us to pay for our travel to bring Noah home in November of 2014.  
After bringing Noah home we were open to adopt an older girl who might be hard to place due to her age.  We would be able to reuse our dossier with half the fee to China and much less paperwork.  Within three months of being home with Noah we were matched with not one but two teen girls who are biological sisters.  The urgency of their match is that the older sister, now 13, will time out on September 26, 2015.  This means she will no longer be able to be adopted.  This also means her younger sister, now 11, will still be eligible for adoption and separated from her older sister if not adopted together before September 26, 2015.  Both girls have vision impairment.  We prayerfully accepted the referral for these two girls.  Once we accepted the referral for the two sisters we began to wonder how in the world we would pay for the fees to adopt not one but two children!  We made it known to our agency that we could not afford the adoption fee for the second child as we had not planned on a referral for two children.  Our agency has assured us that they will assist us in part of the fee for the second child through more fund raising and grants from selfless donors. The adoption fee for the first child we thought we would be able to cover with our tax credit as we did the year prior.  However, this did not happen.  We were not eligible for the tax credit.  

After finding out this news from our accountant we were sick to our stomachs.  As we have only been home for three months after depleting our funds to bring Noah home.  This is when we decided to ask for help.  This is a humbling experience for us as we are usually on the giving side to those in need.  However, we are humbling ourselves to ask for financial donations for the two beautiful human beings in China waiting for a home with a mom, dad, and siblings.  This is what motivates me each and every day to continue to raise the funds we need to bring them home. 

Upon closing I want to share with you that we just recently found out that the two sisters have two more sisters in the orphanage that have already aged out of the system.  Yes, all four sisters were abandoned on the side of a road together.  This means they have two older sisters that are above the age of 14 that will live in the orphanage until age 18.  We cannot adopt them, but we are hopeful we can help them either be trained to work in China or bring them to the U.S. on a visa for school and/or work.  Please pray for these two girls as their future is limited and not promising as an orphan in China once they turn 18 and have to leave the orphanage.  What I have been told is they will have little to no chance to marry. Families marry families in China; therefore, with no family name, marriage is unlikely.  Secondly, trafficking is real.  These girls will have to have some way to feed themselves and live.  The trafficking can take many forms.  Labor, sex, etc.  It is like modern day slavery.  The two younger sisters will not see this fate by being adopted and coming to the U.S. However, their older sisters are already aged out (older than 14) with no possibility of being adopted.  The money raised right now is to bring home the younger sisters that are able to be adopted (younger than 14) until September 26, 2015.  Only God knows how we will help the older sisters in the future.
We thank you for your prayerful consideration to help us financially with our adoption fees to bring home the two Luo sisters.  God bless you.